We believe that clubs and activities taking place outside the classroom and after school hours are an important part of the life of the school. Not only do they enrich the education we provide, they help our young people to develop their own personal qualities and strengths and use their initiative.
click here to download Autumn Term 1 - 2024 clubs
click here for the The Priory School Squad in Touch link.
click here to view the Duke of Edinburgh Award information
The Library is open all day from 8.15 am-4pm and students can drop in to use the library at break and lunch time. We have a Quiet Study Hour every Monday to Friday after school from 3 - 4 pm and a Pupil Librarian club that runs every other Wednesday lunchtime.
Fund Raising - through the form and other organised events
Competitions - Sport, Quiz, annual PRO productions, Learning Credits and Commendations for good work. Please click here to find out more about our house system
Please click the link below to view some great children’s art and writing competitions in the UK
Children’s Art Competitions in the UK 2023 | MoMa UK
School parliament
Students are voted onto the School Parliament which meets regularly with the School Captains to discuss a wide range of issues. Each form also elects Charity Reps who work with the relevant head of House to oversee their fundraising event
Form Reps
Charity representatives , School Parliament representatives
Visits & Speakers
Residential visits have included: France ( year 8), Holland ( Year 9), Iceland, Berlin, In addition expeditions have been organised for the students involved in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme
Students may have the opportunity to visit various places such as Breakout Chester, Crocky Trail, Enginuity Cosford, Stratford, Chester Zoo and London
The following organisations have visited the school:
Insurance cover is provided by the County Council to protect students should they suffer injury, damage or loss through negligent acts by staff or others engaged on County Council business. The school has also taken out a policy for personal accident cover for all visits, the cost of which is included in the overall cost of the visit. Details of this cover can be obtained from the school. Supervision for visits and activities is provided by use of school teaching and support staff, parent helpers and other adults and will be determined for each visit by what the children are doing, where they are going and how they are getting there. All clubs are run by suitably qualified persons and overseen by the school’s teaching staff. Supervision will also comply with any health and safety standards. Students will not be allowed to participate in a visit or activity if they are considered ‘a danger to themselves or others’.