At The Priory School, we work closely in partnership with parents/carers regarding your child’s academic progress, pastoral care and social/emotional support.
We have a dedicated Student Support Team, which works closely with the SENDCo as part of the school’s Support Hub. The Student Support Team can offer advice and signpost students and parents/carers to a range of support. We also provide support to students through school counsellors, Smashlife Mentoring, our Teenage Health Advisor and SPECTRA. We liaise closely with a broad range of other professionals and services to access bespoke support when a need is identified.
The following pages provide specific information and support across a range of areas, with links to useful websites and guidance. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us for further advice.
Your first point of contact as a parent/carer will be your child’s form tutor, who can then signpost you to the most appropriate member of staff. You can reach your child’s tutor at
Please click here to view our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report
Universal Offer
The House System
Form Tutor daily checks
Drop in every day before school from 8am, at break - D5
Peer mentoring
Learning Engagement Centre – break and lunchtime
School nurse drop in
Targeted Offer (Early Help Offer)
Drawing and talking
ELSA – emotional literacy
Learning Engagement timetabled support D4
Student support drop in every day before school
Drop in every day at break - D5
Peer mentoring
Bereavement Support
Learning Engagement Centre (Support HUB)
EAL Co-ordinator
School nurse
Smash Life
Social Prescribing( until July 2025)
We Are With You
Young Carers
Educational Psychologist
Occupational Therapy
Play therapy (through post-adoption)
Specialist Provision (Targeted Early Help)
Post adoption therapy (Sea-change / Rob Tucker)
REACH FOR INCLUSION - Alternative provision ReachForInclusion
Young carers
Purple Leaf
Targeted Early Help worker
Play therapy
Integration Consultation Panels
Steer Clear
Kooth Kooth is a web based confidential support service, providing a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people. Kooth offers young people the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor.
Early Help Childrens Threshold Document.pdf
BeeU – Mental Health Service
FPOC 0345 678 9021 First Point of Contact, DSL will call FPOC when a concern is significant
MARF - Multi Agency Referral Form – DSL will complete this to elevate concerns to compass, MARF always completed following FPOC call
Social Prescribing – external service from the NHS. An advisor comes into school and has 1 to 1 appointment to support and guide students in making changes to their lives outside school.
Smash Life – Mentoring from Matt Smith aimed to empower young people.
Police 101 report illegal activity (DSL) 999 call when there is risk of significant harm or risk to life
Axis – Counselling and support for sexual harm and violence
Brook – sexual behaviours in young people tool - Using the Brook Traffic Light Tool
ISVA Independent Sexual Violence Adviser
Brightstars Boxing, Alternative provisions with a focus on team building and sport