Donations are always gratefully received by the school and are used to support our students in various ways.
If you would like to make a donation to any of our projects please e-mail:
Dear Alumni,
We have had a very busy start to the school year and as our Year 7 students are settling in, our Year 11 students are starting to prepare for their GCSE exams in May. They are also starting to think about life after The Priory and this includes the final celebration of their achievements in the form of a Year 11 Prom. This year the Year 11 student body took part in a vote and have chosen to hold their Prom at Hencote in Shrewsbury, though this does mean higher ticket cost of £45 per student.
Head Girl, Darcy, has written a letter aimed at businesses that may be willing to sponsor or contribute towards the additional cost for some families.
We currently have 167 students in year 11, with around 27 of those being particularly disadvantaged though we know many more will be in financial hardship.
Our sincere thanks to the Alumni who very kindly donated £350 which went towards the purchase of two benches for our students. These are now available in community areas around school.
Secret Garden
Alumni member, Judi Arliss, donated £50 to go towards the purchase of gardening materials so our year 8 students could establish a secret garden area within school.
The garden so far! please see the gallery to view some photographs.
The raised beds were completely overgrown and had never been composted, the soil was hard and clay like. We decided to use a ‘no dig’ technique, chopping out the weeds and keeping some we felt were attractive, a cardboard layer was applying and then some beautiful ‘green’ compost purchased from Agripost.
Then we started planting! Thank you to Judy Arliss for her kind donation.
Should you wish to discuss donating to the school please email