About Careers
The Priory School provides high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), to support all students. This is developed throughout a students’ time at the school and is always supportive of their aspirations, strengths and skills. The focus of the support is aimed at enabling students to make informed decisions about their futures by providing them with a range of experiences and advice.
The Priory School provides an ‘in-house’ careers advice and guidance service which is led by Mr Bucknall, Careers Leader (Assistant Head). Mrs France is the Lead Teacher in Careers and Enterprise and is responsible for overseeing most of the provision for careers at The Priory School. Kim Weston, Careers Advisor provides 1:1 independent Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to all students; Kim is a registered with the independent Careers Development Institute (CDI). We also work with external professionals including Camille Mortimer, Enterprise Coordinator from Shropshire Council and David Parry, Enterprise Advisor. Shelley is part of a national network of Enterprise Coordinators supported by the Careers and Enterprise Company, working with schools and colleges across the country to support the development of careers guidance programmes. David trained as an engineer, ran factories for 15 years then started advising other businesses. He now chairs around 200 board meetings per year and owns and runs a consulting company and a software company based in Shrewsbury.
Teachers are expected to embed careers learning within their curriculum teaching by drawing links from their subject to the world of work as part of lessons. Many departments also organise specific events to help students make the link between subjects and occupations broadening their understanding and awareness of many organisations within Shropshire and beyond.
The careers team can be contacted on 01743 284000 or email pri-info@pri.318education.co.uk.
At The Priory School we aim to provide good careers guidance which supports the following:
The Priory School will assess the impact of its careers programmes on students through a variety of methods. These will include feedback questionnaires, student voice, case studies, Alumni and analysing destinations data in line with activities they have taken part in at school. Feedback questionnaires will take place at specific points throughout the year, for example, after large whole school career events with students, employers, teachers and through whole school parent surveys
To read the full Careers and Work Experience Policy please click here.
To read the Careers Provider Access Policy Statement please click here
January annual review date.